New Vision Ministries
"Behold I Make All Things New" Rev.21:5
Learning from the past,Assessing the present, and Planning for a better future.
Mission Statement
At New Vision Ministries we plan to address and give biblical solutions to the problems which are affecting our urban communities. We realize that our problems cannot be solved by economic reforms, but through a spiritual awakening and return to the true and living God: Jesus Christ.
Purpose Statement
God has called this congregation to represent the kingdom of God through witnessing, discipleship, and service to others. Through anointed preaching and teaching we will bring the hope of Gospel to our community, and take every thought captive to Christ.
Ministry Goals
To prepare women for effective and supportive leadership roles. To encourage young women to participate in the life and work of ministry in the church. To inspire and bring hope to women from all walks of life through the word of God.
Statement of Purpose
To educate, encourage, and challenge men to become accountable in their role as the spiritual head of the household. Also to become active members in the church and spokesman in his community.